MEAN is a free and open-source JavaScript software stack for building dynamic web sites, web and mobile applications
MEAN stack consists of MongoDB a NoSQL Database, Express.js a web framework, AngularJS a front-end framework, and Node.js a server platform. MEAN applications can be written in one language for both server-side and client-side execution environments. There is an easy installation for MEAN using, however, you can install the stack manually by following these steps.

1. Install Command Line Tools

Enter the following command in terminal

xcode-select --install

A window will appear to confirm the installation, click install

Agree on terms and conditions

The installation will start

2. Install Homebrew

If you have homebrew installed, you can update it using the command

brew update

and continue with the steps
to install homebrew place the following in the terminal

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Press Enter

Enter your password and press enter

Installation completed

3. Install Node.JS

You can install node.js by downloading package installer or by homebrew by entering the following command

brew install node

check the installation, you should get the installed version

node -v
npm -v
4. Install MongoDB
brew install mongodb

Start mongodb service

brew services start mongodb

Start mongo interface


if you want a GUI to manage mongodb you can use Robo 3t

5. Install Express
npm install express-generator -g

6. Install AngularJS
npm install angular

Congratulations, you installed MEAN Stack from scratch and you are ready to develop your applications.

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